I Am Linda DZ 89

Hey you! You probably been wanting to know who I am... probably don't care... but that's ok. I'd rather be the one to tell my tale before someone else does anyway. So here I am, about to answer my own Exclusive Interview Questions. "This ought be great..."

Well with no further ado...

Linda Dawkins: Underground Unsigned & Unheard Artist - Self Interview...

1. So tell us about You… Where did you grow up? 
I was born in Montreal, Quebec Canada, I grew up in Los Angeles, California. My mom was from Guyana and my dad was from Jamaica. I have 2 brothers and 5 sisters, but I'm the youngest. My mom played the radio, a lot listening to 60's  classic rock music, reggae, calypso, Rhythm and Blues. My dad played the Congo or bongo drums. Both of my parents sang. My father's favorite tune was Frank Sinatra 's 'My Way'. The loved having parties and entertaining guests. Our household, or rather, the household that I like to remember is the one I mention above. I grew up in the 80's so You Know what I was grooving too. Cameo, Grand Master Flash, Kool Moe Dee, Run DMV, Public Enemy, MC Lyte, The Gap Band, The Isley Brothers, Sapp, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Debarge, New Edition, Lakeside, Queen, Culture Club, Van Halen, Duran, Duran, Joan Jet, Kiss, And a whole bunch of other types of music. Basically channel hopping.

2. What made you decide to become an artist? Both my mother and father, saw that I was a quick learner and had an aptitude to entertain or model or play the piano or some other instrument. I chose the piano.  Taught to read and write music. Then in High school, I discovered that my peers also saw my talents. We put together a group called it The Palisades Yacht Club. We released 2 songs, one of which I copy wrote myself as a teenager by transcribing the entire music score of the song called "I've Been In Love". It was cut into a '45, in lay-mens terms is the size of a vinyl record disk. It never got promoted properly. I lost interest, then began my family. It has been over 30 years since I made any music until last year. With tech biology as it is today, it's fun and extremely convenient. I Still don't really make music and don't consider myself to be an artist, because I do a whole lot of different things besides music.

3. How do you handle mistakes as a performing artist? Have you ever made any?
I once was competing in a talent show at one of the high schools that  I attended, The piano wasn't tuned to the song that I was playing... I didn't notice that until After I had already began to play. I kept playing and sang along as best as I could adjust to the melody. Once I started, I had to finish. People applauded, but I knew in my heart that they MUST have noticed... or maybe didn't.  Sometimes, we are our own worst critiques.  Because I came in 2nd. Place. It turns out that Not every one can hear music. Some people only listen. Others, with an ear for music, can hear the music being played by all the instruments being played. Like me. I can hear them and Identify the instrument. Possibly even replicate the sound being made.

4. Do you tour? Do you have plans on touring?
No, I don't tour... not yet at least. If I haven't done it by now, I probably won't.  But who's to say?

5. What are your current projects?
Woooweee. That's a good question. Well, I'm  a writer. I kind of figured that "what better way to leave a legacy than to write it done?" And so I have.  I write poetry,  short stories, music and video reviews, business reviews, product reviews,  I blog about humanity and its excellence and turbulence on World Peace Promoting Helpless People Organization NGO or wpphporg.org, which I hold Executive Administrative Assistant and Lead Secretary positions under the guidance of Donna Leann Padilla, Director , mentor, boss, peer and dear friend. At the same time I create dance music and play around with un-mastered  music.

6. In What ways do you utilize to promote your music?
I usually self promote. I create ads with snippets or samples of my music. Sometimes adding motivational quotes. I talk to others about Their music and help them promote their music too by writing reviews for them or interviewing them like here. Creating a platform for others to share their music helps me promote my own music too, among other things. Like my other interests.

7. What promoting system works best for you? So far, I have only been online and I do have plans on opening offices headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada in the future... I hope... It could provide some jobs online and all over.

8. Who would you like to perform with if you could (dead or alive)? Bob Marley "Exodus" Sonny and Cher Old School, " I've Got You Babe"

9. What would you be doing now, if you weren't making music? What I'm doing now... it's all tied together. I am also working on a game called The Human Race Game which you will find online, once the site is up and running again and on Facebook. I am looking for developers that may want to create a video game based on the story line. Just another project on the way.

10. What should your fans look forward to from you in the future? Well, more music and video., The Human Race Game, A place that can promote their music or business and positive motivation.
11. What new and upcoming projects should we expect From you? Lots of Exclusive Interviews, Music Reviews and Online Business Reviews. Hopefully I will get funding to develops this game and that it gets lots of subscribers! I am developing designer t-shirtss.  There's a picture of one below. Finally, I hope that World Peace Promoting Helpless People Organization NGO grows to cover more underdeveloped areas and has great success in the eradication of poverty.

Recent Facebook Post

12. Do you have any Shout Outs for anyone? I want to give a Shout Out to all the Underground Unsigned and Unheard Artists that are holding it down and staying afloat by continuously producing great music. I'm "hearing" you.

End Interview.

Well, thus is the life of Linda Dawkins...

Although it may seem awkward, and it is, to interview oneself. Because there may not be an objective standpoint. I don't know... whatever...

You can follow me on Twitter,  LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook,  Minds, Pinterest, Medium, Snapchat, tumbler or  subscribe right at the bottom of the screen... pretty much hope to be all over social media and dominate in my unique fields of interest.


  1. If anyone has any questions, thus is the place to ask them! Looking forward to connecting and sharing this platform with other artists & musicians!



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